CIS170C All Assignments CIS170C All Assignments | Page 40

Create a new project and name it LAB5B. Write your code using the Processing Logic in Part B, Step 2. Make sure you save your program. Step 4 Compile and Execute a) Compile your program. Eliminate all syntax errors. b) Build your program and verify the results of the program. Make corrections to the program logic if necessary until the results of the program execution are what you expect. Step 5 Print Screen Shots and Program 1. Capture a screen print of your output. (Do a PRINT SCREEN and paste into an MS Word document.) 2. Copy your code and paste it into the same MS Word document that contains the screen print of your output. 3. Save the Word document as Lab05B_LastName_FirstInitial. END OF LAB CIS 170C iLab 6 of 7 Menu-Driven Application (100% Correct) Click Below Link To Purchase