CIS170C All Assignments CIS170C All Assignments | Page 30
ReadDials function
Input the first digit
If a Q was entered, return -5.
Input the rest of the phone number
Call the ToDigit function for each of the 7 digits
not for digit 4
If ToDigit returns -1, return -1
If digit 4 is not a hyphen, return -4.
If digit 1 is 0, return -2.
If digits 1 - 3 are 5, return -3
Otherwise, return 0
ToDigit function
Convert the digit to upper case
Use a switch statement to determine if the digit is valid
and convert the letters to digits
If the digit is invalid, return -1.
If the digit is valid, return 0.
AcknowledgeCall function
Display the Phone Number.
Step 3: Create a New Project
Create a new project and name it LAB4.