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pdf. Be prepared to discuss. Note: If you experience difficulties
viewing the PDF file, you may need to copy and paste the Web
address into a browser for direct access to the file.
4. Compare and contrast identity management system (which
students are required to use to access their classes, grades, course
schedules, registration, etc.) to the Oracle Identity Manager 11g.
Determine which one you prefer and explain why.
CIS 560 Week 2 Case Study 1 Stuxnet
E Case Study 1: Stuxnet
Due Week 2 and worth 60 points
In June 2010, Stuxnet, a complex and highly sophisticated computer
worm was discovered by Kaspersky Lab. Stuxnet targeted Siemens
industrial Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
systems. It was reported that the worm appeared to target Iran’s
uranium enrichment infrastructure. Most computer worms and
viruses tend to target consumer systems such as desktop computers
and laptop computers.
You can learn more about Stuxnet