CIS 532 Expect Success/ CIS 532 Expect Success/ | Page 13

   Use technology and information resources to research issues in network architecture and analysis. Write clearly and concisely about network architecture and analysis using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions. ============================================== CIS 532 Week 10 Assignment 5 Technical Term Paper (Part B) (2 Papers) For more course tutorials visit This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Assignment 5: Technical Term Paper (Part B) Due Week 10 and worth 150 points The Technical Term Paper will include the detailed response to the network design request. The document will be submitted in MS Word and will be between 10-15 pages with graphics embedded within the document. Background You are a small network design company called Wide-IP that is looking for that big break. As the CTO of the Wide-IP company, you recently made a persuasive presentation of your company’s approach to designing networks at a large industry event. The CEO of Fiction Corporation, a large retail chain, was impressed by your presentation. It looks like you’ve finally got your break! You have a small team of 10 technically proficient staffers with a strong background in project management, networking, and