CIS 515 STUDY Future Starts Here/ CIS 515 STUDY Future Starts Here/ | Page 9
program requires the students to complete a specific set of core
courses. The university also requires that an online grade book be
available. The online grade book should show grades awarded to
students for specific courses and the term they completed the course.
The university identifies each student by his or her name, date of
birth, social, and professional study program.
Using these findings, write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which
Analyze the university’s requirements and provide a proposal to
organize all the required data elements. The proposal should
include the following:
Provide an Entity Relationship Model (ERM) that will describe the
data structure that will store all data elements. Note: The
graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page
Describe any assumptions or limitations for each relationship. For
example, professors are able to teach more than one course or
students can only be enrolled in one program.
Create the primary key and foreign keys using a UML Class
diagram for each table.
Suggest at least four (4) types of business intelligence reports that
could help the university in course management, student
enrollment, or historical tracking. Support your answer by
providing specific business functions that these reports could assist
executives of the university.