CIS 512 MENTOR Great Stories/ CIS 512 MENTOR Great Stories/ | Page 7
Lossless and lossy are the two (2) universally known
categories of compression algorithms. Compare the two (2)
categories of algorithms, and determine the major advantages and
disadvantages of each. Provide one (1) example of a type of data for
which each is best suited.
BitMap and object (i.e., vector) are the two (2) categories of
images. Compare the two (2) categories of images, and determine
the advantages, and disadvantages of each. Provide one (1) example
of type of file for which each is best suited.
CIS 512 Week 3 Assignment 1 Cloud Computing (2 Papers)
This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
CIS 512 Week 3 Assignment 1 Cloud Computing
Many organizations have now adopted or begun to offer cloud
computing. This type of computing has advantages and
disadvantages that may vary from organization to organization.