CIS 502 MENTOR Learn Do Live / CIS 502 MENTOR Learn Do Live / | Page 8

• 49 An IT manager wishes to connect several branch offices to the headquarters office for voice and data communications. What packet switched service should the IT manager consider? ============================================== CIS 502 Midterm Set 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 1 A security manager is developing a data classification policy. What elements need to be in the policy? • 2 An organization employs hundreds of office workers that use computers to perform their tasks. What is the best plan for iforming employees about security issues? • 3 The statement, “Information systems should be configured to require strong passwords”, is an example of a/an: • 4 The statement, “Promote professionalism among information system security practitioners through the provisioning of professional certification and training.” is an example of a/an: • • 5 Exposure factor is defined as: 6 A security manager needs to perform a risk assessment on a critical business application, in order to