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Case Study : Mobile Device Security and Other Threats Due Week 8 and worth 110 points
Read the article titled , “ Mobile Devices Will Be Biggest Business Security Threat in 2014 ”, located at http :// www . businessnewsdaily . com / 5670-mobile-devices-willbe-biggest-business-security-threat-in-2014 . html , and reference FIPS 140-2 Security Policy , located at http :// csrc . nist . gov / groups / STM / cmvp / documents / 140- 1 / 140sp / 140sp1648 . pdf . In addition , read the Sophos report titled , “ Security Threat Report 2014 ”, located at http :// www . sophos . com / en-us / medialibrary / PDFs / other / sophossecurity-threat-report-2014 . pdf .
Write a three to five ( 3-5 ) page paper in which you :
Analyze the emerging security threats presented within the “ Security Threat Report 2014 ” report .
Analyze the major threats to mobile devices , and suggest at least two ( 2 ) methods to mitigate the concerns and make the devices more secure from an organizational standpoint .
Justify your response .
Determine whether or not you believe that the mobile device threats are the most critical and disturbing of all of the security threats presented in the articles . Provide a rationale for your response .

Case Study : Mobile Device Security and Other Threats Due Week 8 and worth 110 points

Read the article titled , “ Mobile Devices Will Be Biggest Business Security Threat in 2014 ”, located at http :// www . businessnewsdaily . com / 5670-mobile-devices-willbe-biggest-business-security-threat-in-2014 . html , and reference FIPS 140-2 Security Policy , located at http :// csrc . nist . gov / groups / STM / cmvp / documents / 140- 1 / 140sp / 140sp1648 . pdf . In addition , read the Sophos report titled , “ Security Threat Report 2014 ”, located at http :// www . sophos . com / en-us / medialibrary / PDFs / other / sophossecurity-threat-report-2014 . pdf .

Write a three to five ( 3-5 ) page paper in which you :

Analyze the emerging security threats presented within the “ Security Threat Report 2014 ” report .

Analyze the major threats to mobile devices , and suggest at least two ( 2 ) methods to mitigate the concerns and make the devices more secure from an organizational standpoint .

Justify your response .

Determine whether or not you believe that the mobile device threats are the most critical and disturbing of all of the security threats presented in the articles . Provide a rationale for your response .