CIS 502 MENTOR Education is Power/ CIS 502 MENTOR Education is Power/ | Page 30

such attacks , as well as the manner in which we may safeguard against them is paramount , because our demands on e-Commerce and the Internet have increased exponentially . In this assignment , you will examine the response of both the U . S . government and non-government entities to such attacks .
To complete this assignment , use the document titled “ Guidelines on Securing Public Web Servers ”, located at http :// csrc . nist . gov / publications / nistpubs / 800-44-ver2 / SP800- 44v2 . pdf , to complete the assignment . Read the Network World article , “ 40 % of U . S . government Web sites fail security test ” also , located athttp :// www . networkworld . com / news / 2012 / 031512-dnssecsurvey-2012-257326 . html .
Write a three to five ( 3-5 ) page paper in which you :
Examine three ( 3 ) common Web application vulnerabilities and attacks , and recommend corresponding mitigation strategies for each . Provide a rationale for your response .

such attacks , as well as the manner in which we may safeguard against them is paramount , because our demands on e-Commerce and the Internet have increased exponentially . In this assignment , you will examine the response of both the U . S . government and non-government entities to such attacks .

To complete this assignment , use the document titled “ Guidelines on Securing Public Web Servers ”, located at http :// csrc . nist . gov / publications / nistpubs / 800-44-ver2 / SP800- 44v2 . pdf , to complete the assignment . Read the Network World article , “ 40 % of U . S . government Web sites fail security test ” also , located athttp :// www . networkworld . com / news / 2012 / 031512-dnssecsurvey-2012-257326 . html .

Write a three to five ( 3-5 ) page paper in which you :

Examine three ( 3 ) common Web application vulnerabilities and attacks , and recommend corresponding mitigation strategies for each . Provide a rationale for your response .