CIS 502 Course Great Wisdom / CIS 502 Course Great Wisdom / | Page 62

However, the company has not hired any security personnel who can take care of the operational security responsibility. The trusted computing base (TCB) internal network in the Global Finance, Inc. Network Diagram hosts the company’s mission critical systems without which the company’s operations and financial situation would suffer. The Oracle database and email systems are among the most intensively used application servers in the company. GFI cannot afford system outages because its cash flow and financial systems heavily depend on the network stability. GFI has experienced DOS network attacks twice this year and its Oracle database and email servers had been down for a week. The recovery process required GFI to use $25,000 to restore its operations back to normal. GFI estimated the loss from these network attacks at more than $100,000 including lost customer confidence. Write a twelve to fifteen (12-15) page formal risk assessment proposal and redraw the above diagram of a secure and riskmitigating model in which you: 1. Describe the company network, interconnection, and communication environment. 2. Assess risk based on the Global Finance, Inc. Network Diagram scenario. Note: Your risk assessment should cover all the necessary details for your client, GFI Inc., to understand the risk factors of the organization and risk posture of the current environment. The company management will decide what to