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CIS 446 Week 3 Case Study 1 Packaged Solutions for ERP Implementation

CIS 446 Week 3 Case Study 1 Packaged Solutions for ERP Implementation

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CIS 446 Week 3 Case Study 1 : Packaged Solutions for ERP Implementation
Case Study 1 : Packaged Solutions for ERP Implementation Due Week 3 and worth 100 points
Read the article “ Introducing Packaged Solutions ” and complete this case study assignment . Note : The article in PDF format can be found in the online course shell .
Write a three to four ( 3-4 ) page paper in which you :
Define packaged solution for enterprise software customers . Determine the organizational support needed for enabling a packaged solution with an ERP software vendor , such as SAP .
Determine the organizational , master , and transactional data in an ERP context .
Analyze how a packaged solution eases the difficulties of data integration across the company . Provide an example to support your answer .
Speculate the pitfalls of using packaged solutions for an enterprise and how to avoid those pitfalls .