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CIS 429 Week 7 Case Study 1 Data Warehousing and Testing

CIS 429 Week 7 Case Study 1 Data Warehousing and Testing

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CIS 429 Week 7 Case Study 1 : Data Warehousing and Testing Case Study 1 : Data Warehousing and Testing Due Week 7 and worth 80 points
Read the case study titled , “ A comprehensive approach to data warehouse testing ” found in Week 7 of the course shell .
Write a three to five ( 3-5 ) page paper in which you :
Consider the author ’ s viewpoints on testing . Do you agree ? List and explain five ( 5 ) reasons why testing is important .
Evaluate the differences between testing data warehouse systems and software systems . Determine which differences are more pronounced .
Reflect upon the author ’ s lessons learned , select three ( 3 ) lessons with the highest importance , and explain why you chose them .
Use at least two ( 2 ) quality resources in this assignment . Note : Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources .
Be typed , double spaced , using Times New Roman font ( size 12 ), with one-inch margins on all sides ; citations and references must follow