CIS 429 Course Great Wisdom / CIS 429 Course Great Wisdom / | Page 4

18 ) Which of the following is NOT a component of an information package created during the requirements definition for a data warehouse? 19 ) The JAD approach to requirements gathering is a structured methodology with defined roles for the participants. 20 ) For an insurance business, which of the following would represent facts or metrics? 21 ) Predictive Analytics enable organizations to recognize opportunities and anticipate problems. 22 ) A CRM-ready data warehouse must hold details of every transaction at every touchpoint with each customer. 23 )Of the three options for integration of ERP and data warehouse, the hybrid option involves building a custom data warehouse and using third-party tools to extract data from the ERP datasets. 24 ) Which of the following is an example of use of agent technology in a data warehouse? 25 ) Which of the following is NOT an example of infrastructure products in a data warehouse?