CIS 407 STUDY Learn Do Live / CIS 407 STUDY Learn Do Live / | Page 2
If you wanted to see the x coordinate of a user click, you would use the
method of the MouseEvent class.
The state of a JCheckBoxMenuItem or JRadioButtonMenuItem can
be determined with the________method.
Use the________ layout manager when you need to add components
that are displayed one at a time.
The JMcnus areabbcd to the JMcnuBar using the
The_________ method creates a solid are.
The _________ method provides information about the system in use.
You specify 2D colors by using the _______ method.
The drawRoundRect ()method requires _________argument.
You can instruct a Graphics object to use a font by inscrting the font
as the argument in a _________ method.
If you callgetGraphics() in a feame that is visible, you receive a(n) --
The tag that begins every HTML document is ________ .
YOU override the existing empty________method only if you want to
take some action when a JApplet longer visible.
The _____ method is used to load an Image into the named Image in
the applet .
If you want to place an image on a button, it is simplest to the______
With an applet, the browser can call __________ different methods
automatically at different times.