CIS 407 STUDY Great Stories/ CIS 407 STUDY Great Stories/ | Page 22

Instantiate a PropertyInsurance object and use theJOptionPane . showInputDialog () method to capture the type and riskAmount when the user clicks theProperty button .
Instantiate an AutomobileInsurance object and use the JOptionPane . showInputDialog () method to capture the type and riskAmount when the user clicks the Automobile button .
Instantiate a TravelInsurance object and use theJOptionPane . showInputDialog () method to capture the type and riskAmount when the user clicks theTravel button .
Display the quote ( totalPremium in theInsuranceAgentApp class ) when the user clicks the “ Get a Quote ” button .
End when the user clicks the “ Quit ” button .
Section 2 : Screenshot of the Execution of the Implementation
Create a screenshot of the execution and include a copy of source code of the implementation .
Create a screenshot of the execution of the implementation of your Java program . Note : Go to http :// www . take-a-screenshot . org / if you need a tutorial on taking a screenshot .
Submit a copy of source code of the implementation .
Section 1 and Section 2 will be graded based on the following :
The program must compile , execute , produce correct results , and meet all of the specifications stated in Section 1 .
Additionally you must :