CIS 407 STUDY Great Stories/ CIS 407 STUDY Great Stories/ | Page 14
InsuranceAgentApp() is the empty
constructor;setInsuredObjectName(),setRiskAmount(), anddisplay()
are abstract methods.
riskAmount is the value of the Property being insured.
the static RATE is the % used to calculates the annual premium.
The constructorPropertyInsurance(String)takes a string which
indicates the insurance type (e.g. “Property”).
the three get methods return values of the three variables.
setInsuredObjectName(),setRiskAmount(), anddisplay() are
implementations of the abstract methods.
riskAmount is the value of the Automobile being insured.
the static RATE is the % used to calculates the annual premium.
The constructorAutomobileInsurance(String)takes a string which
indicates the insurance type (e.g. “Automobile”).
the three get methods return values of the three variables.
setInsuredObjectName(),setRiskAmount(), anddisplay() are
implementations of the abstract methods.
riskAmount is the value of the flight being insured; the staticRATE is
the % used to calculates the annual premium.
The constructorTravelInsurance(String)takes a string which indicates
the insurance type (e.g. “Travel”).
the three get methods return values of the three variables.
setInsuredObjectName(),setRiskAmount(), anddisplay() are
implementations of the abstract methods.