CIS 407 STUDY Education is Power/ CIS 407 STUDY Education is Power/ | Page 8

13 ) In the case where a method might throw more than one exception type , you specify a list of potential exceptions in the method header by separating them with ___.
14 ) When you use a ( n )___ statement , you state a condition that should be true , and Jave throws an Assertion Error when it is not .
15 ) ___ statements are program statements that can never execute under any circumstance . Selected Answer :
16 ) In order to use a variable both with a try or catch block and afterward , you must declare the variable before the __ block begins .
17 ) If a method throws an exception that it will not catch but that will be caught by a different method , you must also use the keyword ___ followed by an Exception type in the method header .
18 ) The ___ class represents more serious errors form which your program usually cannot recover . Selected Answer :
19 ) When you have actions you must perform at the end of a try catch sequence , you can use a ___ block .
20 ) A ___ is a group of characters that has some meaning .