CIS 359 STUDY Extraordinary Success / CIS 359 STUDY Extraordinary Success /cis359study.c | Page 27

30. A(n) ____ is often included in legal documents to ensure that a vendor is not liable for actions taken by a client. 31. An organization aggregates all local backups to a central repository and then backs up that repository to an online vendor, with a ____ backup strategy. 32. A ____ is commonly a single device or server that attaches to a network and uses TCP/IP-based protocols and communications methods to provide an online storage environment. 33. A potential disadvantage of a ____ site-resumption strategy is that more than one organization might need the facility simultaneously. 34. Some recovery strategies seek to improve the ____ of a server or system in addition to, or instead of, performing backups of data. 35. RAID 0 creates one logical volume across several available hard disk drives and stores the data using ____, in which data segments are written in turn to each disk drive in the array. 36. The determination of what systems fall under the CSIRT ’s responsibility is called its ____. 37. Those services performed in response to a request or a defined event such as a help desk alert are called ____. 38. In the absence of the assigned team manager, the ____ should assume authority for overseeing and evaluating a provided service. 39. When an organization completely outsources its IR work, typically to an on-site contractor, it is called a(n) ____ model. 40. The champion for the CSIRT may be the same person as the champion for the entire IR function—typically, the ____. 41. A CSIRT model that is effective for large organizations and for organizations with major computing resources at distant locations is the ____.