CIS 359 STUDY Extraordinary Success / CIS 359 STUDY Extraordinary Success /cis359study.c | Page 12

• Question 21 ____ disasters include acts of terrorism and acts of war. • Question 22 Once the incident has been contained, and all signs of the incident removed, the ____ phase begins. • Question 23 A ____ is a description of the disasters that may befall an organization, along with information on their probability of occurrence, a brief description of the organization’s actions to prepare for that disaster, and the best case, worst case, and most likely case outcomes of the disaster. • Question 24 ____ are highly probable when infected machines are brought back online or when other infected computers that may have been offline at the time of the attack are brought back up. • Question 25 The part of a disaster recovery policy that identifies the organizational units and groups of employees to which the policy applies is called the ____ section. • Question 26 ____ is the set of actions taken by an organization in response to an emergency situation in an effort to minimize injury or loss of life. • Question 27 In contrast to emergency response that focuses on the immediate safety of those affected, ____ addresses the services needed to get the organization and its stakeholders back to original levels of productivity or satisfaction.