CIS 336 STUDY It's Your Life/ CIS 336 STUDY It's Your Life/ | Page 69
This will work : select unit _ price * 2 as NewPrice from items ; Deliverables
• Lab Report ( Answer Sheet ) containing both the studentcreated SQL command ( s ) for each exercise , and the output showing the results obtained . Be sure your name is on the file .
LAB STEPS : Complete each of the exercises below .
1 . Use an ALTER TABLE statement to update the customers table so that the Primary Key field is an autoincrement field , then create TWO insert statements to test proper operation , using your own first and last name for one ( and a name of your choice for the second one ), and any data you care to imagine for the remaining fields .
IMPORTANT NOTE : When using a LOCAL copy of MySQL , if you attempt to simply issue the ALTER TABLE command you have composed by itself , you should receive an error similar to the following ( try it for yourself !).
ERROR 1833 : Cannot change column „ customer _ id ‟: used in a foreign key constraint „ orders _ fk _ customers ‟ of table „ om . orders ‟
This will work : select unit _ price * 2 as NewPrice from items ; Deliverables
• Lab Report ( Answer Sheet ) containing both the studentcreated SQL command ( s ) for each exercise , and the output showing the results obtained . Be sure your name is on the file .
LAB STEPS : Complete each of the exercises below .
1 . Use an ALTER TABLE statement to update the customers table so that the Primary Key field is an autoincrement field , then create TWO insert statements to test proper operation , using your own first and last name for one ( and a name of your choice for the second one ), and any data you care to imagine for the remaining fields .
IMPORTANT NOTE : When using a LOCAL copy of MySQL , if you attempt to simply issue the ALTER TABLE command you have composed by itself , you should receive an error similar to the following ( try it for yourself !).
ERROR 1833 : Cannot change column „ customer _ id ‟: used in a foreign key constraint „ orders _ fk _ customers ‟ of table „ om . orders ‟