CIS 336 STUDY It's Your Life/ CIS 336 STUDY It's Your Life/ | Page 62

DATEDIFF function ). Name this column ― Days ‖ and sort by highest to lowest number of days . Only display orders where this result is 15 days or more .
9 . Write a query which displays the order id , customer id and order date for all orders that have NOT been shipped , sorted by order date with the most recent order at the top .
10 . The Marketing Department has requested a new report of shipped orders for which the order was placed on either a Saturday or a Sunday . Write a query which displays the order id , order date , shipped date , along with a calculated column labeled ― Order _ Day ‖ showing the day of the week the order was placed ( use the DAYNAME function ). Only display orders that have shipped and were placed on a Saturday or Sunday . Sort by order date with most recent orders at the top .
11 . Write a query to display the customer last name , phone number , and fax number but only display those customers that have a fax number .
12 . Create a statement to insert a new record into the items table with the following values :
item _ id : 11 title : Ode To My ERD Artist _ id : 15 unit _ price : 12.95
Show your INSERT statement along with the results of the following SELECT query to verify that the insert worked correctly .
select * from items where item _ id > 10 ;