CIS 336 STUDY It's Your Life/ CIS 336 STUDY It's Your Life/ | Page 55

The deliverable for this lab will include the following documents .
1 . Your script file . Create this file in Notepad , or another PURE TEXT editor — NOT Word . Make sure
your name is in a comment area at the top of the script file . Use a double dash to create a one-
line comment . – Jane Smith – Lab 3
2 . Your script file must execute without error . It is recommended that you begin early in the week ,
and post any questions to the Q & A discussion in order to produce a working script by the due
date .
Be sure your name is on all documents and that all documents have been included in a single zip file for
this week ‘ s assignments . Refer to the following ERD in constructing your solution . Student PKStudent _ ID Salutation First _ Name Last _ Name