CIS 336 STUDY Great Stories/ CIS 336 STUDY Great Stories/ | Page 41
Also create a Word document that shows the structure of each table
and the data in each of your tables (copy and paste from MySQL).
Name this file yourname_tables.docx.
Note that your deliverables each week include any revisions to a
previous task.
Submit your Task 2 deliverable as a zip file including the following.
· Task 0 proposal (with any revisions)
· Your Task 1 ERD (with any revisions)
· Your Task 1 DD (with any revisions)
Your Task 2 script file to create and populate tables
A Word document showing all tables and data
Task 3
Your final task is to use your tables for an update and for reports.
There are two requirements.
You will demonstrate an update that includes two tables and uses
a subquery. Make sure to prove that your update executed correctly by
showing data in the tables before and after the update.
You will also develop at least four meaningful reports. One must
include a join, one must use a subquery, and one must use an
aggregate function. You need to describe the business requirement of