CIS 336 STUDY Future Starts Here/ CIS 336 STUDY Future Starts Here/ | Page 36
constraints based on your Task 1 logical model. Be sure to use your
ERD and data dictionary and create all constraints appropriately.
Once your tables are created, you will populate them with data using
MySQL statements to insert records into the database. You should
insert a minimum of five records into each table and more where
necessary to ensure that the data in the database is sufficient to allow
for each of your reports to be tested.
The result will be a script file that includes statements to
DROP all tables;
CREATE all tables with constraints;
INSERT data into all tables; and
SELECT data from all tables to show the data in each table.
Name this file yourname_task2.txt.
Also create a Word document that shows the structure of each table
and the data in each of your tables (copy and paste from MySQL).
Name this file yourname_tables.docx.
Note that your deliverables each week include any revisions to a
previous task.
Submit your Task 2 deliverable as a zip file including the following.
Task 0 proposal (with any revisions)
Your Task 1 ERD (with any revisions)
Your Task 1 DD (with any revisions)
Your Task 2 script file to create and populate tables