CIS 336 STUDY Future Starts Here/ CIS 336 STUDY Future Starts Here/ | Page 22
WHERE book_order.customer#
SELECT * FROM o book_order , c book_customer
WHERE o.customer# = c.customer#;
2. (TCO 7) If a Cartesian join is used to link table A which
contains five rows to table B which contains eight rows,
there will be _______ rows in the results. (Points : 4)
3. (TCO 8) Based upon the contents of the BOOK_ORDER
table shown below, which of the following SQL statements
will display the ship date for order 1006 as April 2, 2002?
(Points : 4)
SELECT order#, TO_CHAR(shipdate, 'fmMonth DD,
FROM book_order;
SELECT order#, TO_DATE(shipdate, 'fmMonth DD,
FROM book_order;
SELECT order#, TO_CHAR(shipdate, 'Month DD, YYYY')
FROM book_order;
SELECT order#, TO_DATE(shipdate, 'Month DD, YYYY')
FROM book_order;