CIS 336 STUDY Extraordinary Success / CIS 336 STUDY Extraordinary Success /cis336study.c | Page 22
SELECT order#, TO_DATE(shipdate, 'fmMonth DD,
FROM book_order;
SELECT order#, TO_CHAR(shipdate, 'Month DD,
FROM book_order;
SELECT order#, TO_DATE(shipdate, 'Month DD,
FROM book_order;
4. (TCO 8) Based upon the contents of the
BOOK_ORDER table shown below, which of the
following SQL statements will display only those orders
shipped to the zip code zone that begins with 323?
(Points : 4)
SELECT order#, SUBSTR(shipzip, 1, 323)
FROM book_order;
SELECT order#, SUBSTR(shipzip, 1, 323)
FROM book_order
SELECT order#
FROM book_order
WHERE (shipzip, 1, 323);