CIS 336 STUDY Extraordinary Life/ CIS 336 STUDY Extraordinary Life/ | Page 67

This is the end of Lab 5 . =================================================== CIS 336 iLab7 Working with Views
CIS-336 : Lab7 : Working with Views LAB OVERVIEW
Lab 7 will introduce the concept of database views . This lab may be completed using either DeVry ‟ sOmnymbus EDUPE-
columns : the concatenated last _ name and first _ name of the manager , and the concatenated last _ name and first _ name of the employee . Label the first-column supervisor , and the second-column employee . Order the output by the supervisor ‘ s last _ name and first _ name .
13 . Write a query to display the order id , order date , ship date , and customer last name for all SHIPPED orders placed on the internet ( no employee id ). Show the most recently shipped orders first .
14 . Write a query that displays the order id , order date , and employee name as a single field labeled Employee for each order that an employee assisted with .
15 . Write a query that displays the order id , order date , customer name as a single field labeled Customer for all orders for the sales rep Thomas Hardy , sorted by customer last name .

This is the end of Lab 5 . =================================================== CIS 336 iLab7 Working with Views

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CIS-336 : Lab7 : Working with Views LAB OVERVIEW

Lab 7 will introduce the concept of database views . This lab may be completed using either DeVry ‟ sOmnymbus EDUPE-