CIS 336 STUDY Extraordinary Life/ CIS 336 STUDY Extraordinary Life/ | Page 61

2 . Write a query that displays each customer name as a single field in the format ― firstnamelastname ‖ with a heading of Customer , along with their phone number with a heading of Phone . Use the IN operator to only display customers in New York , New Jersey , or Washington D . C . Sort the results by phone number .
3 . Write a query that will list all the cities that have customers with a heading of Cities . Only list each city once ( no duplicates ) and sort in descending alphabetical order .
4 . Write a query that displays the title of each item along with the price ( with a heading of Original ) and a calculated field reflecting the price with a 25 % discount ( with a heading of Sale ). Display the sale price with two decimal places using the ROUND function . Sort by price from lowest to highest .
5 . Write a query that displays the customer _ first _ name , customer _ last _ name , and customer _ city from the customers table . Use the LIKE operator to only display customers that reside in any zipcode beginning with 4 .
6 . Write a query that displays the order id and order date for any orders placed from March 1 , 2014 through April 30 , 2014 . Do this WITHOUT using the BETWEEN clause . Format the date field as Month dd , yyyy and use a heading of ― Ordered ‖.
7 . Write a query that displays the order id and order date for any orders placed during the month of May , 2014 . Do this using the BETWEEN clause . Format the date field as mm / dd / yy and use a heading of ― Ordered ‖.
8 . Write a query which displays the order id , customer id , and the number of days between the order date and the ship date ( use the