CIS 336 STUDY Extraordinary Life/ CIS 336 STUDY Extraordinary Life/ | Page 48

Medication MedicationID , MedicationName , Dosage , Cost , QuantityOnHand , LastPurchasedDate , ReorderMinimum Identifies the medication the hospital pharmacy dispenses . One or more medications can be dispensed per prescription . The quantity on hand allows Pharmacists to determine the inventory levels . The reorder minimum can be used to determine when the inventory level has reached a reorder point .
Prescription PrescriptionID , MedicationID , BillingAmount , TransactionDateTime , ClinicLogID , PatientID A prescription is identified by a single prescription order . Prescriptions are
• made to one or more patients but only one patient at a time ;
• made by one or more pharmacists but only one pharmacist per prescription ;
• recorded on one or more clinics but only one clinic per prescription ; and
• administered by one or more nurses but no one prescription can be administered by more than one nurse .
PrescribedMedicationPrescriptionID , MedicationID , ItemPrice , QuantityDispensed Prescribed medication is part of a prescription and records medication dispensed per prescription . Prescribed medication must be able to associate multiple medications sold on a single prescription number .
Patient Patient Number , First Name , Last Name , Address , City , State , Zip , Phone Number A patient can be associated with multiple prescriptions , but any one prescription is to one and only one patient . A prescription can occur without a patient registering in the system