CIS 336 STUDY Extraordinary Life/ CIS 336 STUDY Extraordinary Life/ | Page 23

SELECT order #, TO _ DATE ( shipdate , ' fmMonth DD , YYYY ')
FROM book _ order ; SELECT order #, TO _ CHAR ( shipdate , ' Month DD , YYYY ') FROM book _ order ; SELECT order #, TO _ DATE ( shipdate , ' Month DD , YYYY ') FROM book _ order ;
4 . ( TCO 8 ) Based upon the contents of the BOOK _ ORDER table shown below , which of the following SQL statements will display only those orders shipped to the zip code zone that begins with 323 ?
( Points : 4 ) SELECT order #, SUBSTR ( shipzip , 1 , 323 ) FROM book _ order ; SELECT order #, SUBSTR ( shipzip , 1 , 323 ) FROM book _ order WHERE ; SELECT order # FROM book _ order WHERE ( shipzip , 1 , 323 );

SELECT order #, TO _ DATE ( shipdate , ' fmMonth DD , YYYY ')

FROM book _ order ; SELECT order #, TO _ CHAR ( shipdate , ' Month DD , YYYY ') FROM book _ order ; SELECT order #, TO _ DATE ( shipdate , ' Month DD , YYYY ') FROM book _ order ;

4 . ( TCO 8 ) Based upon the contents of the BOOK _ ORDER table shown below , which of the following SQL statements will display only those orders shipped to the zip code zone that begins with 323 ?

( Points : 4 ) SELECT order #, SUBSTR ( shipzip , 1 , 323 ) FROM book _ order ; SELECT order #, SUBSTR ( shipzip , 1 , 323 ) FROM book _ order WHERE ; SELECT order # FROM book _ order WHERE ( shipzip , 1 , 323 );