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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIS 336 Quiz 4 ( Devry ) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . cis336study . com
( TCO 8 ) If a Cartesian join is used to link table A which contains five rows to table B which contains eight rows , there will be _______ rows in the results .
( TCO 8 ) Which of the following statements will produce the value 21.1 ?
( TCO 8 ) Which of the following format elements will display insignificant leading zeros ?
( TCO 8 ) Oracle ‟ s pseudo table used only for cases where a table is not really needed is _________?
( TCO 7 ) Using the BOOK _ CUSTOMER and BOOK _ ORDER tables shown below for reference which SQL statement will return the same results as the following SQL statement ?
( TCO 7 ) A table alias or qualifier cannot be assigned in the FROM clause of which type of join ?
( TCO 7 ) The _______ query joins a table to itself using aliases to distinctly identify each instance of the table .

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIS 336 Quiz 4 ( Devry ) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . cis336study . com

( TCO 8 ) If a Cartesian join is used to link table A which contains five rows to table B which contains eight rows , there will be _______ rows in the results .

( TCO 8 ) Which of the following statements will produce the value 21.1 ?

( TCO 8 ) Which of the following format elements will display insignificant leading zeros ?

( TCO 8 ) Oracle ‟ s pseudo table used only for cases where a table is not really needed is _________?

( TCO 7 ) Using the BOOK _ CUSTOMER and BOOK _ ORDER tables shown below for reference which SQL statement will return the same results as the following SQL statement ?

( TCO 7 ) A table alias or qualifier cannot be assigned in the FROM clause of which type of join ?

( TCO 7 ) The _______ query joins a table to itself using aliases to distinctly identify each instance of the table .