CIS 336 STUDY Career Begins/ CIS 336 STUDY Career Begins/ | Page 52

The following guidelines are being provided to help assist you in creating your script file .
· Use the names for the tables and columns as listed in the ERD . Do not change them as it will
affect your grade .
· Creating Constraints o Create all NOT NULL constraints as indicated in the ERD . o Create all PK constraints as indicated in the ERD . o Create all FK constraints as indicated in the ERD .
· Create all of the tables and all of the constraints before populating any of the tables with data .
· Because FK constraints will be in place when the insert statements are executed , you will need
to consider carefully which tables must be created before others in order to ensure that FK
constraints are not violated .
· The COURSE table has a self-referencing FK constraint . Specifically , some courses have
prerequisite courses . Consequently , the record for a course possessing a prerequisite course
cannot be successfully inserted into the table unless the record for the prerequisite course has
already been inserted . This may require you to reorder the insert statements to resolve FK