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CIS-336 : Lab 3 : Building the Physical LAB OVERVIEW Scenario and Summary
The lab for this week addresses taking a logical database design ( data model ) and transforming it into a
physical model ( tables , constraints , and relationships ). As part of the lab , you will need to download the
zip file titled CIS336Lab3Files from Doc Sharing . This zip file contains the ERD , Data Dictionary , and test
data for the tables you create as you complete this exercise .
Your job will be to use the ERD Diagram found below as a guide to define the table structures and
constraints using both CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements . Once this has been done , you will
need to write the INSERT INTO TABLE statements to insert the data provided into the table . The data
should verify that the constraints you have created are valid and define the correct referential and data
integrity constraints asked for . Lastly , you will write SELECT statements to query the tables and verify