CIS 336 STUDY Career Begins/ CIS 336 STUDY Career Begins/ | Page 34

deliverable in the project will be supported through the exercises and labs done in the course .
You will create a proposal for a commerce business of your choosing . This can be an actual or fictional business that sells products and / or services . You will determine the business rules and report requirements . Entities that must be included in your model are the following .
Customer Product ( or Service ) Order Project Deliverables This task is broken down into four deliverables .
· Task 0
· Task 1
· Task 2
· Task 3
Remember that this is a work in progress and in all likelihood , you will have to make numerous changes to your tables and schema as you go along . These changes are to be expected and are a normal part of the database design and implementation process .
Please refer to the sections below for details regarding deliverables for each task .