CIS 336 STUDY Career Begins/ CIS 336 STUDY Career Begins/ | Page 25
VALUES ( FREE BOOK , 75.01 , 89.99 );
8 . ( TCO 10 ) A ____ is a uniquely identifiable object that allows a given person to log on to the database . ( Points : 4 )
user role profile manager
9 . ( TCO 10 ) Which command will delete a user account from Oracle9i ? ( Points : 4 )
DELETE USER username ; DELETE USER username IDENTIFIED BY password ; DROP USER username IDENTIFIED BY password ; DROP USER username ; Page 4 - Essays 1 . ( TCO 2 ) What is Character data ? ( Points : 15 )
2 . ( TCO 3 ) Explain the term " second normal form ". ( Points : 15 )
3 . ( TCO 7 ) Sally needs to find all employees who have a date-of-hire between 01-JAN-2003 and 01-JAN-2005 . She writes and executes the following query :
VALUES ( FREE BOOK , 75.01 , 89.99 );
8 . ( TCO 10 ) A ____ is a uniquely identifiable object that allows a given person to log on to the database . ( Points : 4 )
user role profile manager
9 . ( TCO 10 ) Which command will delete a user account from Oracle9i ? ( Points : 4 )
DELETE USER username ; DELETE USER username IDENTIFIED BY password ; DROP USER username IDENTIFIED BY password ; DROP USER username ; Page 4 - Essays 1 . ( TCO 2 ) What is Character data ? ( Points : 15 )
2 . ( TCO 3 ) Explain the term " second normal form ". ( Points : 15 )
3 . ( TCO 7 ) Sally needs to find all employees who have a date-of-hire between 01-JAN-2003 and 01-JAN-2005 . She writes and executes the following query :