CIS 336 STUDY Career Begins/ CIS 336 STUDY Career Begins/ | Page 18

2 . ( TCO 4 ) Which of the following SQL statements would you use to create a table named DEVRY ? ( Points : 4 )
CREATE Devry ( Student _ id NUMBER ( 12 ), Student _ name VARCHAR2 ( 15 ), Student _ city VARCHAR2 ( 12 ) ); CREATE TABLE Devry ( Student _ id NUMBER ( 12 ) Student _ name VARCHAR2 ( 15 ) Student _ city VARCHAR2 ( 12 ) ); CREATE TABLE Devry ( Student _ id NUMBER ( 12 ), Student _ name VARCHAR2 ( 15 ), Student _ city VARCHAR2 ( 12 )

2 . ( TCO 4 ) Which of the following SQL statements would you use to create a table named DEVRY ? ( Points : 4 )

CREATE Devry ( Student _ id NUMBER ( 12 ), Student _ name VARCHAR2 ( 15 ), Student _ city VARCHAR2 ( 12 ) ); CREATE TABLE Devry ( Student _ id NUMBER ( 12 ) Student _ name VARCHAR2 ( 15 ) Student _ city VARCHAR2 ( 12 ) ); CREATE TABLE Devry ( Student _ id NUMBER ( 12 ), Student _ name VARCHAR2 ( 15 ), Student _ city VARCHAR2 ( 12 )