CIS 336 str Course Great Wisdom / CIS 336 str Course Great Wisdom / | Page 8
15) To remain competitive, an organization’s business strategy
must adapt and respond to all of the following variables. Which
variable in particular does IS help to determine?
A bank provides its customers mobile applications that
significantly simplify traditional banking activities. For
example, a customer can use a smartphone to take a picture of a
check and electronically deposit into an account. This unique
service demonstrates the bank’s desire to practice which one of
Porter’s strategies?
Marketing has repeatedly asked the IT department about
the possibility of aligning the new marketing plan with the
company's web site. They would like the new web site to be able
to support more active content and permit customers to query an
online catalog. You let them know that this is currently being
considered and that you’re determining if this new business
strategy can be translated into a viable plan of action. This
would be part of which of the following?