CIS 336 str Course Great Wisdom / CIS 336 str Course Great Wisdom / | Page 4

21) This method of IT funding is the most equitable, as the costs associated with IT are based on use. However, it can be difficult and tedious to calculate the usage costs. 22) If a company decides to make and develop IS, they are using this type of sourcing. 23) To maintain balance in a project with a fixed budget and a well-defined scope, a project team will require flexibility ________. 24) Kellwood, the American apparel maker, decided to consolidate and bring IT operations back in-house in order to reduce costs. Kellwood choose which of the following strategies? 25) In the chapter, there is the statement, “Internet companies are in business for the money and hence they really would prefer to keep their customers in the dark about how their personal data is being used to generate profits”. Assuming this statement is true, with which ethical theory would you say these Internet companies are most aligned? =========================================== CIS 336 Midterm Exam (2 Sets) For more course tutorials visit