CIS 336 str Course Great Wisdom / CIS 336 str Course Great Wisdom / | Page 16
23 ) Two automobile manufacturers are working together to
develop hybrid technology. This type of relationship between
the two automobile manufacturers is best described as:
24 ) Partnering with a competitor is becoming more and more
common in today's integrated, technology-based environment.
This type of collaboration with a competitor is uniquely
described as:
25 ) A small company in Des Moines wants to set up an IT
architecture for its workforce. The company recently moved to
an older building that has solid walls and ceilings. Furthermore,
most of the staff likes the flexibility of moving around the open
office space to perform work on their laptops. Which
communication architecture makes most sense for this
CIS 336 Week 2 Assignment 1 Models for Competitive
Dynamics (2 Papers)
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CIS 336 Week 2 Assignment 1: Models for Competitive