CIS 336 iLab 1 Normal Forms and Entity Relationship Diagrams CIS 336 iLab 1 Normal Forms and Entity Relationshi | Page 4

1. Using the CustomerAddressCountry spreadsheet show above, draw the dependency diagram, and show all dependencies, full, partial, and transitive. Paste your solution into the answer sheet, and label it, Answer #1. 2. Using the answer to exercise 1, remove all partial dependencies and draw the new dependency diagrams. For each new table created, specify its normal form (1NF, 2NF, 3NF). Paste your solution into the answer sheet, and label it, Answer #2. 3. Using the answer to exercise 3, remove all transitive dependencies, and draw the new dependency diagrams. For each new or revised table, specify its normal form. Paste your solution into the answer sheet, and label it, Answer #3. 4. Draw the ERD for exercise 3, using Crow’s Foot notation. Paste your solution into the answer sheet, and label it, Answer #4.