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7. Display the total sales for each customer: show customer name (as single field) with a heading of Cutomer and total. Sort lowest to highest total. Filter to only display customers with $50 or more in total orders. 8. Use subqueries to determine which (artist) had the item ordered in highest quantity on an order? First determine the highest quantity on any order, then determine the item number associated with it, then display the artist. 9. Display the total sales by artist: show artist name, total. Sort highest to lowest. 10. USE A SUBQUERY to Increase price of all items by ‗No Rest for the Weary‘ by 10%. If working in MySQl you will need to disable safe mode. Show prices before and after. Rollback after. 11. USE A SUBQUERY to display names of customers that have unshipped orders. 12. Display the total amount of sales made to customers in NY 13. USE A SUBQUERY to list the items (title and artist) of items that have never been ordered 14. Show the order history for Samuel Jacobsen. Display the order id, order date, ship date, and total. 15. Show the total amount of sales per sales rep. Display the employee name as a single field along with the total sales, sorted by highest to lowest sales. This is the end of Lab 6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIS 336 iLab7 Working with Views For more course tutorials visit