CIS 336 help Making Decisions/ CIS 336 help Making Decisions/ | Page 50
5. List the customer name, order date, zipcode for any customer(s) placing an order for
the item titled ‗Etcetera‖.
6. Write a query to list the title and artist of ONLY the items that have been ordered.
Only list each title once.
7. Write a query to list the title and price of all items that have been ordered by customer
8. Write a query to list the last name and order id of customers that ordered any items by
the artist Burt Ruggles?
9. Write a query to display a list of titles along with the artist name., sorted by artist
10. Write a query to display an invoice for order 693 including the title, quanty, price,
and a calculated column to display the line item subtotal (quantity times price) with a
heading of Subtotal.
11. Display the order id, last name, title , and quantity for any items where customers
have ordered 2 or more of a particular item in an order.
12. The employees table contains a list of employees of a company. An employee may be
managed by another employee. To denote an employee‘s manager, the employee_id of
the manager is entered into the manager_id field of the employee reporting to that
manager. In order to produce a list of which managers supervise which employees, the
table may be joined to itself using these two attributes (employee_id, manager_id). This
is known as a SELF-JOIN. Use a SELF-JOIN on the employees table to produce a result
containing two columns: the concatenated last_name and first_name of the manager, and
the concatenated last_name and first_name of the employee. Label the first-column
supervisor, and the second-column employee. Order the output by the supervisor‘s
last_name and first_name.
13. Write a query to display the order id, order date, ship date, and customer last name for
all SHIPPED orders placed on the internet (no employee id). Show the most recently
shipped orders first.
14. Write a query that displays the order id, order date, and employee name as a single
field labeled Employee for each order that an employee assisted with.
15. Write a query that displays the order id, order date, customer name as a single field
labeled Customer for all orders for the sales rep Thomas Hardy, sorted by customer last