CIS 336 help Making Decisions/ CIS 336 help Making Decisions/ | Page 39
3. The INSERT statements necessary to insert all of the sample data.
4. Six select statements to verify that the data is in the tables and accessible.
To help you accomplish this task successfully, you are being supplied with the ERD
Diagram which
follows, and the exact data to be inserted into each table, which may be found via the Doc
Sharing tab
on the course website.
The following guidelines are being provided to help assist you in creating your script file.
· Use the names for the tables and columns as listed in the ERD. Do not change them as it
affect your grade.
· Creating Constraints
o Create all NOT NULL constraints as indicated in the ERD.
o Create all PK constraints as indicated in the ERD.
o Create all FK constraints as indicated in the ERD.
· Create all of the tables and all of the constraints before populating any of the tables with
· Because FK constraints will be in place when the insert statements are executed, you
will need
to consider carefully which tables must be created before others in order to ensure that
constraints are not violated.
· The COURSE table has a self-referencing FK constraint. Specifically, some courses
prerequisite courses. Consequently, the record for a course possessing a prerequisite