CIS 336 help Making Decisions/ CIS 336 help Making Decisions/ | Page 36

PrescribedMedicationPrescriptionID , MedicationID , ItemPrice , QuantityDispensed Prescribed medication is part of a prescription and records medication dispensed per prescription . Prescribed medication must be able to associate multiple medications sold on a single prescription number .
Patient Patient Number , First Name , Last Name , Address , City , State , Zip , Phone Number A patient can be associated with multiple prescriptions , but any one prescription is to one and only one patient . A prescription can occur without a patient registering in the system ( e . g ., an unconscious patent arrives by ambulance in the emergency room and receives life-saving emergency treatment ).
Using an appropriate drawing / data modelling tool , develop an ERD that meets the following guidelines .
• Draw the entities with their attributes .
• Indicate the relationships between the entities using Crow ‘ s Foot notation . You will need to determine the cardinality and optionality for each direction of the relationships . Some of the Foreign Key relationships are identified in the graph above but not all . Be sure you identify and account for all Foreign Key relationships .
• Add a name ( in both directions ) to the relationships . Remember , if you can verbalize the relationship in both directions , then you probably have a valid relationship .
The deliverable for this lab will be your completed ERD as a single MS Word document using copy / paste or imported as an image from your drawing / modelling application , cropped and sized appropriately ( it should fit on a single page ), and named lab2 _ solutions _ yourname .
LAB STEPS STEP 1 : Drawing Entities and Attributes Back to Top
Be sure to include all of the entities that have been defined . You need to include at least the primary and foreign key attributes where applicable in your diagram .
STEP 2 : Add Relationships Back to Top