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CIS 331 Week 2 Assignment 1 Scrum vs Plan Based Software Development Strategies ( 2 Papers )
1 . What are the fundamental activities that are common to all software processes ?
2 . List the 3 generic process mod ls that are ed in software engineering ?
3 . Whyiterations usually limited when the waterfall model is used ?
4 . What are the three benefits of incremental development , compared to the waterfall model ?
5 . What are the development stages in reuse-based development ? 6 . What are he principal requ rements engineering activities ?
7 . Why is it increasingly irrelevant to distinguish between software development and evolution ?
8 . What are the advantages of using incremental development and delivery ?
9 . What are the 4 sectors in each loop in Boehmʼspiral model ? 10 . What Are the six fundamental best practices in the RUP ? ===========================================

CIS 331 Week 2 Assignment 1 Scrum vs Plan Based Software Development Strategies ( 2 Papers )

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This Tutorial contains 2 Papers of this Assignment Assignment 1 : Scrum vs . Plan-Based Software Development Strategies