Due Week 10 and worth 150 points
You have been hired as the CIO of a large multinational Internet
advertising company. The president of the company is entertaining a
major new software development project to keep track of advertising
revenues. She asked you to prepare a report on the current and future
state of software development and testing for this advertising
company so that she can make an educated decision on how to
proceed with the new development. The goal is to have a loosely
coupled, Java-based platform for this Web-based company.
Use the Library or other libraries of your choice to conduct research
about software development and testing.
Write a ten to fifteen (10-15) page paper in which you:
Define and explain, in your own words, the primary challenge(s) of
software development projects.
Compare and contrast at least three (3) different software
development methods.
Explain why the testing of software products is of great importance.
Provide a graphical depiction of your solution through the use of
Microsoft Visio or its open source alternative, Dia. Note:The
graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page
Identify potential ethical issues that may arise as a result of the
company doing business across several different countries and
cultures, and recommend ways to mitigate these challenges.
Compare and contrast at least three (3) testing approaches to
software development.
Use at least four (4) quality resources in this assignment.Note:
Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources