CIS 246 All Assignments CIS 246 All Assignments | Page 30

iLAB STEPS TASK 1 : Explore Folder Permissions STEP 1 : Explore Folder Permissions Back to Top Action Log on to server with a password of Password !. ( Remember the exclamation point .)
Click Start , then click Computer to open the Windows Explorer window . Create a folder called Test inside the Users folder on drive C , and then create a folder called Utilities inside Test .
Right-click Utilities , click Properties , and then click the Security tab . Notice the grayed check marks . These are inherited permissions .
Click Edit . Now you have the ability to change the permissions . You cannot change the ones that are currently checked and deactivated because they are inherited . Remember that Deny permissions override Allow permissions .
Click the Add button and then the Advanced button . Click the Find Now button and scroll down to Server Operators and highlight it . Click OK twice to get back to the Properties window . Click the Allow box for Modify .
Insert a screenshot into your lab report showing the permissions for Server Operator (# 1 ). Click OK .
Now we want to get rid of the inherited permissions . From the Security tab of the Properties window , click the Advanced button .
Click the Edit button , and then remove the check mark from the box for " Include inheritable permissions from this object ' s parent ." If you wanted to modify some of the inherited permissions , you would just click Copy . We want all of them removed , so click the Remove button .
Click OK twice until you are back at the Utilities Properties window . Insert a screenshot into your lab report showing the Properties window (# 2 ). Click OK . TASK 2 : Share Files
STEP 1 : Prepare for Sharing Files