CIS 246 All Assignments CIS 246 All Assignments | Page 25

Log on to the server as administrator, and open Server Manager. Expand the left panel in Server Manager until you get to the users folder and click Users. One way to create a new object in the highlighted container is to do the following: Click Action on the menu and then click New, and follow by clicking Group. For the Group Name, type DomainMgrs and select Domain local under Group scope. Click OK. STEP 2: Create the GlobalMgrs Group Back to Top Action This time, right-click in a blank space in the middle panel, click New, and then click Group. For the Group name, type GlobalMgrs and leave the default of Global for the group scope. Click OK. Now we need to put the user based on your name into the GlobalMgrs group. Double-click GlobalMgrs, click the Members tab and then click Add. Click the Advanced button, then Find Now button and then scroll until you see your name. Click on the your name, then click OK. You should see your name in the text box. Click OK. Now you have the user as a member of GlobalMgrs. Insert a screenshot into your lab report showing the username (#8). Click OK. Remember how to create groups and add users! In future labs, you will have to know it. We want to make GlobalMgrs a member of DomainMgrs, so double-click DomainMgrs, click the Members tab, and then click Add. Just type "G" in the text box, and when you click Check Names, all the objects beginning with "G" will display. Select GlobalMgrs and click OK. Click OK twice to get back to the screen that shows the contents of the user container in the middle panel. Insert a screenshot into your lab report showing both groups in the middle panel (#9).