CIS 246 All Assignments CIS 246 All Assignments | Page 23
Scenario and Summary
You will add a user, log on as the user, create groups, and manage organizational units.
TASK 1: Add User and Log On as User STEP 1: Add User
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Log on to the server with a user name of administrator and a password of Password! (don't
forget the exclamation point).
In Server Manager (the icon next to the Start button), expand Roles -> Active Directory Domain
Services -> Active Directory Users and Computer -> experimental.lab. Click Users.
Right-click the Users folder, select New, and then User.
Use your own first name and last name. For the user log-on name, type the first letter of your
first name followed by your last name. Click Next.
For the password, type a password of your choice. To meet complexity requirements, it must be
at least seven characters long and have characters in three out of the following four character
sets: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters. Click Next. The
summary appears with your name in it. Remember how to add a user. In future labs, you will
have to know it.
Click Finish.
Minimize the server window.
STEP 2: Allow User to Log On; Then Log On as the User You Created
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Because ElementK is a remote environment, we first have to allow the user to log on remotely.
Before you go through the following, restart the Windows 7 PC by clicking the Send Ctrl-Alt-
Delete button, clicking the red arrow in the lower right, and clicking Restart. Click OK at the
error message, then close the window. After a minute or so, click the PC icon again.