CIS 246 All Assignments CIS 246 All Assignments | Page 11

Using the combo box , select Windows Server 2008 . Note that the only difference mentioned has to do with the Recycle Bin . Click Next . The Additional Domain Controller Options dialog box opens .
Leave the DNS server selected and click Next .
You will see a warning about dynamically assigned addresses . Click Yes , the computer will use a dynamically assigned IP address ( not recommended ).
Click Yes to continue . The Location for Database , Log Files , and SYSVOL dialog box opens . Click Next . The Directory Services Restore Mode Administrator Password dialog box opens . Type “ RestoreSec #” in both text boxes and click Next . Click Next at the Summary dialog box .
Select Reboot on Completion and be patient . When it is finished , it will start the rebooting process . You will get an error stating the VNC viewer has lost the connection . Click OK on the error message . Close the viewer and wait a couple of minutes until you click the Server icon again . Once you click the server icon and it connects , click Send Ctrl-Alt-Del .
Enter the password ( password ). Click OK . Change it to Password ! ( remember to end the password with an exclamation point ). The system will notify you that the password has changed . Click OK .
Click the Server Manager icon .
Insert a screenshot into your lab report of the Server Manager , which will show the domain (# 5 ).
TASK 3 : Add PC to Domain STEP 1 : Add Windows 7 to the Domain Back to Top Action
Before you go through the following , restart the Windows 7 PC by clicking the Send Ctrl-Alt- Delete button , clicking the red arrow in the lower right , and clicking Restart . Click OK at the error message , then close the window . After a minute or so , click the PC icon again .
Log on to the PC as administrator and use the password of password . If it asks for a network type , click Work and click Close .